My Paper Love, Owl Be Craftin & Puddin' n Pie

Hi yall, Shelly over at My Paper Love is celebrating her one year Blogaversary! She is giving away so really nice gifts. Stop by and follow and post for more chance to win.

Hi one more giveaway by: Owl Be Craftin 100th follower giveaway. Stop by and join the fun.

Here is another great giveaway By: Puddin' n Pie, stop by and see the kool gift you can win its really nice.


Amy E saidā€¦
Yay!! I love in the very next town over from Bremerton...maybe 10 or 15 minutes away!! Okay, we totally have a crafting date!! When do you guys get here?

amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com
Cindy saidā€¦
Hi AJ, I am so happy you stopped by my blog and entered my giveaway and became a follower! I am a new follower of yours too! We have many of the same interests and I have a Nephew who just joined the Navy. God bless you and your Hubby for serving our country. Hugs!
Cindy Porter
Georgie Horn saidā€¦
AJ, you're the girl! Thank you for the shout out! Best o'luck!

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