DT: Scrapy Land: Ch. #86 Anything Goes Using SL Die Brand

Hello Sweet Friends,
I hope this month finds you well and that you have taken to the new time change. I'm excited that Spring is near. Okay, I'm here to share my cute little note card with you all using  Scrapy Land  Dies for our 86th challenge. As always the challenge can be easy or hard based on how complex you want your own creation to be and remember to USE an SL BRAND DIE. For my note card, I used Memory Box: Poppy Die Cross Stitch Rectangle Die and Poppy Blessing Die. 

I wanted to send this to a dear friend. I start to buy little note cards from the Dollar Tree and thought why not make my own. So that's exactly what I did.  I love the poppy flower. There just beautiful.


Now go join the FUN Challenge!!
Happy Crafting An'Jenic!! 


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